Chiangus Classic
Show: Saturday, Jan. 6, 3 pm, Performance Arena, Oklahoma City
Chiangus Classic Rules & Regulations – 2024 Show
- All animals must be nominated by the breeder or first owner (in the case of embryo transfer calves) and nominations are good only in the year nominated (i.e. all animals must be nominated each year shown).
- The Chiangus Classic will follow all the rules for ACA nationally sponsored shows.
- All Chiangus entries must have a minimum of 6.25% Chianina to be eligible.
- The Chiangus Classic is open to all active junior and adult members.
- A three-person judging panel shall be used with two judges and one designated referee judge for each class on a rotating basis. The three judges shall not confer on placing until after score cards are turned in to officials for each class. Placing of each judge shall be placed on a display board and the final class placing calculated and displayed with the referee judge’s placing only used to place individual animals when the two judges for that class are not in agreement on the placing of that animal. It is recommended at least one judge be an ACA member in good standing.
- Age Requirements:
- Heifers calved Sept. 1, 2021 and after
- Females calved before Sept. 1, 2021 will follow ACA cow/calf age requirements and rules.
- Bulls calved Jan. 1, 2021 and after
- Ownership deadline is Nov. 20, 2023.
- Animals must be nominated by Nov. 20; No late nominations will be accepted.
- Animals must be entered by Jan. 4, 2024, before official check in is finished. (must fill out separate entry form)
- Heifer calves from cow/calf pairs are not eligible to show in the female show as an individual.
- Bull calves from cow/calf pairs are eligible to show in the bull show as an individual.
- All Chiangus Classic female payout will be based on 100% of the total amount of FEMALE nomination fees, non-specific donations and entry fees collected.
- 20% of the total FEMALE monies collected is reserved for administration cost.
- The Top Five Overall Female EXHIBITORS will receive the following payout:
- Grand Female – 40% of the total female monies collected
- Reserve Grand Female – 20% of the total female monies collected
- Third Overall Female – 10% of the total female monies collected
- Fourth Overall Female – 5% of the total female monies collected
- Fifth Overall Female – 5% of the total female monies collected
- There must be a minimum of 5 bull nominations to proceed with a bull show. Nominations and entry fee money will be refunded if less than 5 bulls are nominated. Bull payout shall be 50% for Grand Champion and 30% for Reserve Grand Champion of the total bull nomination fees, specific bull donations and bull entry fees. 20% of total bull monies collected is reserved for administration cost.
- Bulls over 6 months of age must have a permanent nose ring.
- The American Chianina Association reserves the right to collect DNA on any animal shown.
- Protests – Protests must be submitted to the CEO (or board president in the absence of a CEO) in writing at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of judging or within 24 hours of the conclusion of judging. Written protests must be accompanied by a $500 fee and three (3) signatures of current ACA members. Judging procedures will not be interrupted for protest investigation and depending upon the basis of the protest, a decision may be withheld until a complete investigation is made. If the protest is upheld the $500 will be refunded.
Nominations Due Nov. 20 – No late nominations accepted
Click here for Nomination Form
Entries Requested by Dec 10. Entries will be accepted through Jan. 4 at check in.
Will be posted after check in